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  • Axel Brown
    I’ve been using this product for the last two weeks and I’m very impressed! It took about 5 days for me to notice a change, with the strands of my hair looking much thicker and healthy..after a couple of weeks I noticed my eye lashes got really long too! I’ve never seen them so long before!  I used to suffer from an itchy scalp before using this product but now it feels so good to be free of that, super happy with the results and will be buying more for sure, also keen to try out some of the other products! Thank you Gavin!
    Axel Brown
  • Stefan Van der Lingen
    Since I was little, I had problems with my concentration. When I was 16, they gave me the "ADD" label and I got prescribed ritalin as a solution to the what they called "behavioural problems". It did give me more focus, but I started noticing the big side effects immediately. At that moment I started the journey to find something to improve my concentration, without having bad side effects. Now, almost 10 years later, I tried many substances and learned a lot about my health and the benefits to meditating. But I was still not having the desired concentration that I was looking for. About 3 months ago, I first heard of Interstellar Blends, through a friend. A little over one month now, I started using the blends of the "Super Ultimate Sampler Pack w/ Seven Sages". I feel more present in the moment now. The intensity of my concentration/focus improved and the amount of time I can stay focussed drastically improved. I feel more present in the moment, instead of being wandered off in my mind very often. The end result is that I feel more confident and more in control of my life. I can clearly say that this is the BEST find in my memory/concentration improvement search so far. At first the costs scared me off, but I can say it is totally worth it because I am way more productive. The herbs totally earn themselves back, it is a good investment. I am going to recommend this to my friends because they deserve to experience this. I would like to thank the interstellar team.
    Stefan Van der Lingen
  • George
    I tried the samples of Trinity, Nebula and Autonomous. Myself, my mom and dad, and went on the blends with me at the same time. I took them and Gavin said I’d feel it within minutes, and sure enough I did. I wasn’t sure if this was a placebo or not but the effects were pretty instant. I noticed less fatigue, less brain fog, and I stopped drinking coffee, because simply I just didn’t feel like I needed it anymore. The same effects with fatigue and brain fog were felt by my parents also, so this is a pretty obvious effect. Lastly I started doing 2-3 day fast, and I really feel like the blends were a huge factor of this. I’m definitely gonna keep these blends in my life, it’s incredible. Also side note, I stopped taking about 3/4 of the vitamins I used to take on a daily basis
  • Sudevika Kealani Okeahi
    This is my review for Rewire. However I am also taking Victorious, Trinity, Spice, Peel, & Glucose Blocker all together at least twice a day sometimes 4 times a day. At first Rewire was giving me headaches so I only took half the dose or at night just before bed. The headaches were only present until my body first purged all the heavy nastiness in my body. It felt like it was going in, and uprooting the heaviest weeds so I could start to heal & see more clearly. Slowly my life has been starting to turn around. My whole perspective on life is no longer talk, but actions too! I have very little desire for smoking weed now almost none, thank God cause it’s so draining & foggy. With the right blends I don’t think weed or anything is ever needed! I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2003, so I got hooked on smoking weed to relieve pain, and just numb myself. I also noticed I was able to give up having honey with my blends! Now I’m like, "Bring it baby!" I am ready to mostly give up food and live on Blends! They are absolutely amazing!!!!!!! I have to be honest though I’ve been taking many of the different Blends for over two years now, and I feel like an absolute fraud! Yes my reviews were honest, but I was totally missing out, because I wasn’t fasting with them fully! Meaning completely replacing my food with blends instead of eating, for at least a few days. So everything turned around, when I went through a rough patch with my boyfriend recently, and ended up in total mental funk, heartache, anxiety, fear, stupidity & more. But that’s actually what saved me, because I couldn’t eat, or sleep at all for three days to start. All I could do was take blends. By some miracle I was aware enough to reach for them and trust. After day one absolutely zero headaches at all from Rewire I was even able to up the dose to double! I truly could feel the full impact of what living on blends does for you! They are miracles! I feel like I’m 13 years old again, I started my period at 11, so yeah 13. Everyday more pain leaves my body. I’m able to do stuff without so much mental stress, let go more, and trust the process. I had sex with my boyfriend for the first time in 10 weeks, and felt zero pain—only pleasure! And it was wild hard sex, but I didn’t bruise or feel worn out after. I felt alive, and like living again! I’m now on I believe my seventh day, & the only food I’ve had is once a day a tiny bit maybe a cup of organic puffed rice with raw plain organic yogurt to coat my tummy, and ground me a bit. I’m stoked!!!!!!! Gavin please live forever! To everyone who has any doubt about the blends don’t! They are absolutely priceless!!!! The money you need will arrive once you heal your mind, body, & soul! I do believe there isn’t anything they can’t cure, if it’s not your time to go from this body yet. Don’t wait dive in and thrive with Interstellar Blends today! Health & love is the only true wealth! I love you, & thank you beyond words Gavin & family!!!
    Sudevika Kealani Okeahi
  • Amy Lewis
    Every time I think these blends can’t get any better, something new is released that takes it to the next level. The most recent product I never want to be without is Rewire. It’s like a total brain reset. That said, I’ve not seen a blend yet that does not do exactly what it says it’s designed to do which speaks volumes for Gavin and the level of research he puts into his products.
    Amy Lewis
  • FetaCheezi EzPz
    At first when I came across interstellar plan the prices scared me because I didn’t have much, but I thought to myself, "What if this stuff is the truth? and "What is the price to health?" I began my journey with Rewire. First off, let me mention what I had issues with. First, self control was big, from masturbating to porn, to impulsive reactions and simply drinking and drugs. I focused on bettering myself and changing my ways. It was hard for the first few months than I found interstellar, fasting and blending, found Rewire and said "Let’s give it a try." After 2 weeks now being on it the stomach acid issues were gone by day 2, the sweet sugar cravings I kicked to the max after day 8 and weed and alcohol I stopped almost instant because the cravings were gone. Now I’m not sure if it was the combination of my will and the herbs but fasting is now nothing. I did the 4 day dry fast to kick off the herbing than I stayed consistent with a 22/2. It is so easy to function I feel like I’m absolutely glowing, porn and fapping is no longer a thing in my life; I am on a straight super human roll that I can't seem to shake. I take my rewire daily at 12,6,12,6 and I’m at a top mental performance right now, the alertness, awareness, and the willingness to stay healthy and active are remarkable and I can’t wait to keep trying more of these products and find the perfect blends for me to go with Rewire. Having hair issues so super tonic hair is next on my list with trinity!! THANK YOU SO MUCH GAVIN
    FetaCheezi EzPz
  • Mr Albutt
    I’ve been using these blends for a while now and was sent a sample of re-wire, which is awesome! All of the blends are amazing and I didn’t know what else I could achieve by taking re-wire but it seems it does truly ‘re-wire’ your brain, my whole energy shifted to another level after using it for a few days and I just felt like a whole new person. Not getting my anxiety and not relying on food to comfort me. I can honestly say the blends have changed my life
    Mr Albutt
  • Tory McJunkin
    We used and are still using for my dad who was diagnosed with stage IV cancer. So grateful for healing!!! Prayers, God’s cures, medicine, and dry fasting.
    Tory McJunkin
  • Dee
    When REWIRE launched, I ordered it but hadn’t started taking it because I had just had our third baby and was going to resume blends after I was finished breastfeeding. When the day finally came to resume blends I was stoked! I had missed my blends/fasting routine. Now, with the pregnancy and postpartum I was doing well emotionally and physically…until the stress starting getting turned up from life happening. We started renovating our home, figuring out the new routines with three kids (2 of which are homeschooled), businesses expanding, all while wanting to be very intentional in maintaining a good marriage and relationship with my kids. I hold an extremely high bar for myself and felt like the stress was getting to me in a way that it hadn’t before. I would notice myself checking out more. Scrolling. Eating. Complaining. I was also becoming BORING. No new ideas were coming and the high bar I had held was slipping. Enter REWIRE. I will say, I have all the blends and have my favorites but REWIRE was the only new blend I added, and it was such a profound change!! It wouldn’t be accurate to say that REWIRE increased my capacity for stress, it was like it supported me in flipping the way I was looking at stressful situations. I also stopped silly activities that I was doing to check-out because I didn’t need them. I also have this fire to get things done again. No more procrastination devolving into a cycle of plummeting confidence. These effects one after the other started building up more and more momentum! And in no time, I am back on track with my goals, ideas, and more importantly execution! All while having the emotional bandwidth to support my husband and kids. I messaged Gavin, asking for the birthday code to stock up on REWIRE. I told him, all of the blends are part of the team but REWIRE is the MVP.
  • Naor Khakshiri
    Please, do not buy the blends...if you don’t want a better life. Do not order the blends, if you don’t wanna be the best you can be in this life, just don’t buy. Save your money. If you wanna be without confidence, with anxiety attacks, sick, addicted, and a loser—don’t buy the blends. But if you do NOT want to be that person anymore, you just have to buy the blends, any of them, it’s 1000% legit. My story began 2 years ago, I tried the combos without the full fasting, and I saw crazy results, almost eliminating all fear, less sick, smarter, and better overall. After a year I stopped, because I thought maybe it's a placebo? So I cut it off, and let me tell you, it’s not. I started to gain fat, started to age again, white hair, anxiety came back, and you name it. So before 4/5 month, I saw the REWIRE: TOTAL BRAIN RESET, and decided to order again, the combo with rewire and thunder, and I told myself to fully fast 22-2 daily. And let me tell you, the best decision EVER!!!! Lost 15kg in 2 month. No fear at all. Reading a book a week. Focused. Almost no addictions. More awareness. No acne More manly , started to fight and never thought about that. 200% smarter like that pill from “Limitless” I have Arabic people in my workplace , and I started to understand what they were saying from the context of what was happening. And I don’t know Arabic! They thinking I know Arabic in secret😂. My life got better, more purpose, I have a lot of work stillwith the blends , but for the start this is the best thing that has happened to me ever. But I warn you, I’m a costumer for life now, I can’t see my life without the blend, because I want to be the best in life, and I can’t see it without the blends, cheers to Gavin for all the hard work!
    Naor Khakshiri
  • Jay E
    Life changing blends FULL STOP. Gavin masterminded a blend namely 'Rewire' which was released on sample size this year, now I have been a customer for a while now and received the product as an extra with one of my orders which by the way is awesome.. what other company do you know that goes out of their way to ship out free added extra samples for the customer to try at their expense ? Anyways, the best way i can describe 'Rewire' would be as close to the Limitless film as you can possibly imagine, and no I am not selling you any dreams with this review, its the real deal, nothing comes even remotely close to this blend or what i have experienced using it for the past 3 months. Rewire literally as the name states rewires your brain, rebalances all the chemicals and gets your brain firing as it should be. From taking it the first day I could feel what I would describe as brain fog lift within 10 minutes of the first 1/8th scoop I tried and replaced with mental clarity, a sort of floatyness/ airy feeling about myself, i could feel any worry or stress disipate and could actually go ahead and work towards my definite goals and plans for the day without any wandering thought to distract me. One of the things that really blew my mind with this blend was the fact that when i encountered stressful situations or problems that i had to navigate when working, i remained calm and poised, i was also able to visualise in my mind a 3 dimensional perspective frame and actually step back and look at the image so to speak and see my old thought path to one side, and then to the other side, see the new conscious though path and be aware of how i would have previously reacted to a situation and go with the new though path route consciously, thats the best way i can explain that experience and it really had helped me to break through alot of mental barriers. My productivity and idea creation/generation has sky rocketed through the stratosphere, my work capacity has increased 3 fold with ease, with no side effects of any mental fatigue. I also recently picked up a bountiful collection of books recommended by gavin, bought them all at once, I just had the urge to read and expand the mind whilst running 'Rewire'. I physically cannot stop reading in my spare time, I feel like my brain is a sponge and is ready to absorb a lifetime of knowledge from these books, constantly feeding my brain with new information and various approaches to thought pattern, recognition and mind expansion. Ive experienced nothing like this before. The blend packs a punch, i experimented to see how long i could notice the effects of rewire and i lasted about 10 days before i started to notice it wear off, and thats from a tiny 1/8th dose. This blend is a game changer
    Jay E
  • Juan
    Where do I start…. REWIRE has been absolutely life changing. I’ve been taking it for 1 1/2 months and it has been working wonders for me. I know feel like I’ve been restored to my old self. The version of myself that was very focused and goal oriented. Prior to taking Rewire I was battling minor depression and constant fog combined with stress. I slowly started to put off task and eventually it got a hold of me. I knew I had a balance of some sort going on and needed a push to help me get back on track. I immediately noticed the effects of Rewire the first week. I started by taking 2 doses a day. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. The effects I felt the 1st week were quite noticeable. The biggest thing I noticed was my urges for bad habits that we’re holding me back almost went away after the very first few days. I dramatically decreased my alcohol intake. I also started to be more on top of all my tasks at work. I also noticed my motivation come back after the 2nd week. I started working out and eating more healthier. Going on the third week I also started to notice that my sales more than doubled at work. I also started accomplishing more in a shorter amount of time. I can literally talk for days about how good this product is. A lot of my family and close friends noticed the changes in me and have now started taking rewire as of recently. I’m even more excited to see what Rewire is going to do to the life’s of those that I love. I recommend this to everyone!
  • Christian Schlotman
    Trinity is hands down the best blends on the market. This product literally took me out of a one year slump after of being depressed, no motivation and crippling anxiety. Just breathing seemed like a chore with with the non-stop panic attacks that kept me from pursuing a normal life. After taking Trinity for the first week all my problems suddenly disappeared. I caught myself smiling for the first time in months, laughing for no reason and genuinely a happy human again. If you need a personal kickstart to becoming the best version of yourself Trinity is the blend to accomplish just that!
    Christian Schlotman
  • Grace Lambdin
    I had been struggling with a face allergy, I would wake up with red patchy spots all over my face and neck. I could not figure out what I was allergic to but I consistently would get this eczema type rash for almost 4 months. I tried everything, Benadryl, oils, cremes, moisturizers and could not get this rash to go away. My aunt uses interstellar and she suggested I try peel and spice. I thought what’s the harm in trying nothing else has worked and so she gave me a sample of some of hers. Within 3 days my face was cleared up completely!! I ran out of the sample and had not taken it for a few days and noticed the rash coming back. I decided to buy some right away because the impact it was having on my skin! I have always had dry and sensitive skin but this blend has been amazing I have noticed a huge difference! I definitely recommend it has impacted my life so much i’m so thankful my rash is gone and that my face is clearer! Thank you interstellar blend!!
    Grace Lambdin
  • Aurelie Wandji
    Je souhaite remercier sincèrement Gavin et ses mélanges interstellaire car Dieu les a utilisé pour redonner la vie à mon mari. Il a eu un cancer de la prostate au stade 4 avec les métastases pulmonaires et osseuses. Il ne pouvait pas s'assoir ni rester debout plus de 10mn. Les douleurs étaient insupportable. Ma petite sœur qui vit aux États-Unis a contacter Gavin. En plus il est diabétique. Gavin a proposé le combo ACB vital force pour lui. Ma sœur a commandé. Notez que nous sommes au Cameroun a Douala plus précisément. Comment avoir les mélanges ? 12 jours seulement après avoir passé la commande, nous avons reçu les mélanges au Cameroun ce que je ne m'attendais pas. Ils sont vraiment rapide l'équipe de Gavin. Après seulement 2 semaines de prise, les douleurs ont sensiblement baissé. Le jeûne n'était pas facile mais il a pu le faire. Après un mois de traitement il a repris son travail. Pour ses os Gavin a proposé titanium. Ce que nous avons ajouté à la prochaine commande. 6 mois après le traitement, il a refait l'IRM surprise !!! Plus de nodules aux poumons les os se réparent whaou !!!! Cela fait 1an et 6 mois maintenant il est complètement guéri grâce à ces mélanges. Sa glycémie à jeun est nettement amélioré. Il continue à suivre son jeûne de 22/2 et a prendre certains mélanges interstellaire pour rester en santé. Moi aussi d'ailleurs, car je l'ai accompagné durant son traitement. Nous avons un petit champ . Mon mari travaille au champ sans plus crié de douleur. Je suis vraiment ému quand j'en parle. C'est un véritable miracle Je parle des mélanges a ma famille, mes amis. Je n'hésite pas à proposer cela car ces mélanges ont fait leur preuve. Son médecin était tellement surpris des résultats que nous lui avons parlé des mélanges interstellaire, il a pris le lien du site afin de lire. Il a promis d'en parler à ses patients qui souffrent de cancer. N'est ce pas merveilleux !!! Je remercie Gavin pour sa promptitude et sa patience. Puisse Jéhovah le grand créateur et tout puissant continuer de l'utiliser pour aider les autres. Merci infiniment.
    Aurelie Wandji
  • Jenny
    5 stars, top notch, A+, Interstellar is eons ahead of the current health industry! The brilliance of each meticulously crafted blend is a mind blowing creation. As time continues, Gavin, the mastermind behind all of this, continues to introduce a new blend that exceeds the former. If you're suffering with something, there's probably a blend that will improve it. And, if you follow a proven protocol while taking them you can potentially obliterate it. They are not magic pills but medicinal herbs that the body can recognize and use to help heal itself. There are literally tens of thousands of scientific studies that back up each and every ingredient used. Interstellar Plan is changing health and lives WORLDWIDE. Gavin is a blessing to thousands of people. The support and service that he and his team offers is truly remarkable. I've been using many of the blends for years and am a continuously satisfied customer for life. Gavin has my enduring gratitude.
  • Barney B
    I've been using blends for a little over a year now. Without a shadow of a doubt I can safely say it's changed my life. Providing you follow protocols to the letter (i.e. fast with a low insulin diet) you'll see progress in practically any goal you have. I initially purchased the blends for weight loss but have seen huge improvements in day to day mental clarity which is an added bonus. There is no pressure selling, you are given recommendations of which products you may need but this can be tailored for all financial budgets. All products are backed by an abundance of scientific studies which allows you to truly know the true picture of what you're purchasing before you do so. Gavin is on call practically all hours to answer queries personally which I feel is a great touch rather than relying on bots or outsourcing the role of customer service.
    Barney B
  • Shaurya Shukla
    Little background first , I used to be a brilliant child always aced my studies in school and college …. Started trading forex in 2018 …. Everything was going as planned . I was making good money enjoying my life and thought that now everything was in my control and I can achieve anything and everything . So started partying frequently spending money on relentless stuff , started smoking weed ,watching porn , frequent masturbation and then came 2021 I faced a huge loss in my trading career and everything started to fall apart in front of my eyes . I lost trust of my family, couldn’t hold my money because of excessive addiction. Results of which I started suffering from anxiety , mood swings , eat junk food , adhd , depression , no productivity . I was feeling like a limp men who got no dick only whines and cries , no strength no motivation and just wanted to get rid of all the things . I was just surviving somehow …. I wanted to come all over these things but couldn’t because of excessive spending habits and addiction. Somehow in starting of 2022 I came across interstellar blend group and Gavin through shaunlee’s Instagram . I joined group only because I was curious but after 2-3 months of reading views and people conversing with each other regarding their addictions and problems . I thought of giving a try and man that’s the best decision I ever made in my life . People say there ain’t any magic potion or pill but mate there are magic blends . Before I praise the significance and potency of these blends , I would love to praise 22/2 fasting lifestyle . This lifestyle helps you to save loads of time and keep you energy focused on important stuff only . No bullsh*t ! I started with combination of REWIRE + THUNDER + SUPERNOVA . And man this combination worked wonders for me . I take 1/8th tsp of all of these in morning and I literally fly through my day ….. I am focused .. no weed , no porn , nothing just good things . I feel lot productive , lot of energy and a sense of alpha male feeling within . Specially rewire is very potent , 1/4th tsp will literally make you limitless on a positive side . You will speak less , listen more . No wastage of energy or time …. U Will start making worth your every second and every penny u have . In short it will give u a sense of belief of a warrior who is above all dark world , who is enlightened from within and needs no support of material world and can achieve anything in life. No brain fog , no depression , no adhd , no anxiety only n only lots of productivity , lots of strength and a sense limitless feeling . Thunder is a gift of god for men out there doesn’t matter you have dick issue or not , mate just take it …… it will give you physical strength you require it will keep your body boosted up as it has all the things to keep you moving . Supernova in the morning with rewire felt like I am talking with my brain and I am in full control of my brain …. My eyes are wide open …. I am more awake then ever … . If you are reading this review and still thinking of trying these blend , I would suggest don’t think much . Just invest for the first time and you won’t regret a penny spent …you will thank Gavin for sure just like I am thankful to him . Mark my words , these blends are potent as they are useful and these are fuel which one requires in this dark world of addictions . Soon I will be ordering my next batch of blends and this time I will go with combination of nebula + rewire + autonomous + luetolin + trinity for cognitive enhancement and to keep me flying through out the day whereas I will be adding shilajit + pine pollen + thunder + apegenin + peel and spice combo to keep my musculine energy and traits on a higher side . It’s better to invest your hard earned money on this good stuff instead of spending it on bad stuffs out there . Don’t survive , it’s time to thrive !
    Shaurya Shukla
  • Shayne
    I received the rewire and I’ve been using it. I can definitely say I’ve seen a change in my mental space I haven’t taken my adderal in over a month and I haven’t had any sexual urges in regards to watching porn or anything along those lines. I even put things to the test with going over studying material for a path I’m currently pursuing and I didn’t catch my mind drifting once like it usually did before rewire when I wasn’t on adderal. So having a natural alternative that doesn’t force my blood pressure up truly makes a difference and I’d like to thank you for giving me this opportunity.
  • Cyrus stone
    I'm hoping I get to write several reviews on each stage of the journey with this product first I was so upset with the false claims of Java Burn and I am glad I did not recommend it to family and friends since I wanted to try it out first. I feel a little dumb that I did not check it out on trust piolot first but that's just my bad. when looking any the reviews for the interstellar beds I was already impressed. So here's my first take if you send them an email they respond like so fast and I live in the UK an have experienced weeks delays in getting things from the US particular supplements but they shipped it out as promised and I was able to see the tracking with UPS. I already know this is going to be an outstanding experience and gAVIN HAS INTEGRITY love this guy and his efforts to get us healthy
    Cyrus stone
  • Nicole Cross
    I’ve been struggling with depression for 7 years now. I also have inattentive ADHD. I started taking rewire almost a month ago and it has helped me tremendously! I’m a lot more calm and I can focus a lot better and do what I need to do. I’m a lot happier since taking it.
    Nicole Cross
  • Jeannie Clarke
    These products have changed my vibration already !!!! A few people around me in close contact have attempted to tear me a new @$&hole for the audacity of feeling better. I would get really distressed in the past when they seemed to pile on at once. The combo of PTSD and pathogens causing the autoimmune problems would trigger seizures and I mastered sitting calmly with a 160+ heartbeat so well that last EMS visit they commented they'd never witnessed a person do what I was doing. It worked 90% of the time and then the right combination of stressors would kick off my nervous system and it was brutal to experience seizures because this stuff happened a lot. So I'm in the middle of the fire zone handing out supplies and get a flurry of messages angry about your program being dangerous and harmful. My response was "Do what works for you. Start there. I suggest Rewire which I found incredibly helpful to prep my brain for change and love the Supernova so far." Rewire made me stop habitually using tobacco as a cope-- immediately. I just can't smoke now. No desire to. I'm still learning slowly as I do, taking my time to understand the information. One by one. Feeling very reassured that your research confirms the odd habits I developed (like fasting) by instinct, with your scientific citations, absolutely work to reset the body and strengthen functions. I calmly drew the boundary. I've worked hard to eliminate the victim voice. It's been a challenging life-- extraordinary really. I'm not apologizing for that to anyone. I've learned a lot. I stood up to the ones who aren't supportive and saying I've tried all kinds of things that didn't work. If doctors can't eliminate these pathogens, and won't discuss, I have to find the way and no one will deter me because I know I'm one of millions struggling through a f@$kd medical death system. What I'm most proud of is how many pounds of goods I loaded and unloaded with my 100lb body to people who are actually suffering and fasting not by choice-- through these destructive NM fires-- and was able to make the drive there and back a few times AND I felt amazing the whole way. Not tired. Not achy. Energized. Happy. Not stressed people are unhappy with me. Did my thing I do best which is serve our Creator as hands. It's been a journey past month inside and out. I didn't lose 70lbs because then I'd blow away in the wind but I lost the program that says I'm a dumping ground for insecure petty people who have plenty of resources to change their lives for the better. I love em but they gotta deal with their animosity toward themselves and I said that. I'm doing the same. Big THANK YOU. I needed these chains broken long ago and didn't know how. Wishing I'd listened to my friend who referred a year ago much sooner. Not that I didn't, I was just overwhelmed by the info and price since I live humble with nothing much and am content that way. Your generosity giving an extra sample each package & discounts for sharing testimony makes it possible for someone like me with little cashflow to access the healing support with these potent plant formulas. My work is most important after my family. My sons are grown, well and happy so it's time to focus on me. That's a new concept and inspiration you directly triggered. Much Love 💪👊🙏
    Jeannie Clarke
  • Regina Cornelio
    I’ve been taking rewire for about 3 weeks now. Prior to taking rewire my mood and emotions were not very balanced. I was dealing with major brain fog, sluggishness and what I would self diagnose as major ADD. I have also had anxiety my entire life. I noticed results within a few days! I have more energy, focus and I noticed my mood is way more balanced especially having a few very stressful weeks. I noticed I am able to stay calm and have less anxiety while navigating some major life challenges at the moment. I am also sleeping better! I have to say this is only with the minimal dosage of 1-2 servings a day. I love how well this works and I don’t even have to maximize the dosage! I have been telling all of my friends and family to try this. I love how it’s all natural and I fully trust the ingredients. I feel like it’s truly healing and “rewiring” you, not just putting a bandaid on symptoms. I highly recommend rewire to anyone!
    Regina Cornelio
  • Gagandeep Sandhu
    first off i want to say is this man is god sent. I took the sample pack herbs and it flipped my life around i was lost and in a deep dark hole i dug my self over the years of negativity and trash food habits. 1 year ago i took the leap and got the blends since then i have changed for the better and took back control of my life and stopped watching it fly by. These blends really work they are no joke and life changing. I truly want to thank Gavin for all of his hard work and years of dedication to help the people!! i appreciate you so much man!! you're blends changed my life forever im a lifetime customer!!.
    Gagandeep Sandhu
  • Magaly Moreno
    Good afternoon, it is my pleasure to be able to express myself and be helped by a leader like you. I think it has always been complicated for me to be able to put into words the experiences I have lived when I have connected in the spiritually. Honestly, I'm amazed with the experiences I've had in the last 3 weeks taking REWIRE. I have gradually felt a connection with life and the universe like never before. I feel more open-minded and receptive, because God, a higher power or the universe whatever you want to call it puts messages in my life that are more than obvious. I am currently in an abusive relationship and have been living with fear for a while. For some reason I have lost fear, I feel stronger, powerful and I am more focused and I feel more spiritual and have connected with spiritual people around me. ✨️ Thank you ❤️
    Magaly Moreno
  • Max Küssner
    Greetings from an anonymous German friend
    Max Küssner
  • Audrey M
    30 day Rewire Day 1-5 I did the 100 mile challenge and I felt amazing my mind was at it’s greatest. Day 5-10 I still felt amazing whatever I chose to do I could do. Day 10-20 I hit major childhood and Adult trauma. Grief on another level I got so emotional the difference I didn’t think to self sooth with an old substance addiction I had had for 30 years. Now I could sit in my emotions and know it too will pass. Day 20-30 I really could feel trauma from my brain correct itself. My self love is on a different level and my self respect. How I view life is very different now! I feel like Rewire takes you so far back to reveal things you may have not known how to cope With it helps you really know you can conquer life no matter the trauma any difficulties one is facing. I suffer with migraines haven’t had one migraine at all. Definitely will support Rewire I had much anxieties prior now I can do things and let go of things if I need too faster in a healthier way. Overall I love life and no matter the trauma I have been thru it doesn’t dictate my thought process like it once did all thanks to REWIRE! I’m looking forward to keep taking it. To always improve and better myself and my life. Your truly a God send. Thank you 🙏🏽
    Audrey M
  • Alyssa Smith
    Wow! I have always believed in the power of the blends but this one really blew me away! Within 20 minutes of my first serving of REWIRE I could feel an enhanced sense of alertness and a sense of well being. This was a much appreciated shift from the underlying sense of anxiety that usually comes for me. I was noticeably less irritable and just felt great! Day 2-5 Was an entirely different; I had a lot of anger and heavy emotions come up and I couldn’t quite understand WHY. I saw a post from Gavin saying that while taking REWIRE these things could come up and it was an opportunity to FACE this s*** and overcome it, so.. instead of running from these feeling I allowed myself to sit with them and feel them and low and behold work through them. The next day I take it again and I sit down to meditate I have such clarity and focus that I have one of the best meditations of my life one I would consider a breakthrough meditation. I am so grateful to Gavin for these absolutely incredible blends and his willingness to service his fellow humans. Thanks Gavin! I will DEFINITELY be getting more of this magical powder. 😂
    Alyssa Smith
  • Stephen Shuman
    Hello my name is Stephen, and I have been using various Interstellar Blends for almost 8 years now. They have helped with everything from fasting and weightloss to managing my emotions. That said, the latest product I tried was Rewire. I noticed within the first few days of taking Rewire that I had an intense desire to organize and clean my living/working space. It felt very similar to what was portrayed in the movie Limitless. By the end of the first week on Rewire, I had noticed a sharp decrease in my desire for caffeine. I was drinking 3-4 cups of coffee a day, and now I am down to 1-2 tea beverages instead. By the end of the second week I noticed that my desire to watch porn was reduced by 90%. I would start a porn clip, and within 30 seconds become totally uninterested, and just move on. I also noticed by the end of the second week that I was procrastinating less on various projects. By the end of the third week on Rewire, I noticed further loss of interest in porn, and zero procrastination on projects!!! This was huge for me. By the end of my 4th week on Rewire, I noticed some of my anxious thought patterns just dissolving in my mind. I would start a thought pattern and realize pretty quickly how ridiculous it felt. I am now more than 6 weeks on the product, and it is super easy to identify thought patterns which are holding me back, and to make changes. I never would have thought this possible 6 weeks ago.
    Stephen Shuman
  • Kimberly Gullick Barnett
    Hello, my name is Kimberly and I am 50 years old. I have been using Interstellar Blends for years now. These blends are amazing, and never disappoint. They are the best of the best, and have always surpassed my expectations by leaps and bounds. I have been diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, and suffer from severe brain fog. I can't even remember why I walked into a room half of the time. It had gotten really bad. It really concerned me because Alzheimer's and dementia run in my family. Their latest blend, Rewire, was designed to help people with many issues dealing with brain function. As soon as it was available I ordered a sample. The results came immediately after my first dose. You can take up to four a day, but I'm usually good with one or two. I have been prescribed ADHD medications in the past. I couldn't stand them. They made me feel like crap, and the side effects were nasty. Rewire gives me clarity that I have not experienced since I was in my teens. Whatever your issue, there is a blend for it. I highly recommend Interstellar Blends. I want to thank Gavin and Kristine for pouring their hearts and souls into this endeavor and helping others. It has really made a positive impact in so many lives. I am here to attest to that. Give them a try. You will not regret it! Thank you!
    Kimberly Gullick Barnett
  • Craig Wilson
    14 months now as a customer and life keeps improving, regardless of little setbacks life throws my way, staying disciplined, staying fasted, consistently taking my blends along with my own drive and Will is enabling me to grow as a person more than I could have ever thought possible. As with anything in life, there’s levels to what we can achieve, wether that’s in terms of self development of your character (self mastery being a goal we should all aim for) or professional areas of your life relating to your career and aspirations, you’ll plateau and wonder what comes next and then you find a steeper hill to climb and off you go again pushing forward to new heights... This is my experience with interstellar blends combined with fasting, just when I think I’ve conquered a personal problem or improved upon my health and things can’t really get any better, along comes another blend from Gavin that makes you realise we’re just getting started and this is where Rewire comes into the equation and this blend is indeed a bit special! As someone that has struggled with dissociation/depersonalisation which is a very complicated mental state, first impressions of Rewire.... life changing. It’s a blend that will give you back control of your life, let you experience life in its absolute purest and present form, no desire to escape your current mental state with whatever vices you crave, it plants you rite smack bang in the present, calm and comfortable in your skin. It really is a special blend. You just feel very in order, very correct, like everything just lines up. There’s a self assuredness, not cocky confidence or anything... you just feel rite lol. There are alot of people in limbo with this condition but not now! It’s like the shining star at the top of a Christmas tree lol It compliments all the other blends, but totally different at the same time! I don’t think there’s anything out there even close to interstellar. The overall health benefits are so wide ranging it’s crazy. Life is great atm, I’m happy, I’m healthy, I’m smiling everyday and I’m forever grateful to Gavin for his own journey which lead to him making these blends. I hope as many people as possible get to experience their best life, meet their best selves and fasting coupled with Interstellar blends is definitely a good path to take in order to get there :)
    Craig Wilson
  • Rich R
    I've been using Interstellar Blends steadily for about 7 years now. If you want the best herbal blends money can buy, then this is it. No large supplement company would make these blends, because the ingredients and concentrations used are just too expensive for large operations. Only a small efficient business can do this. The stuff you get from other sources just doesn't compare. I've gotten to know the owner of the company over the years, and he finds the best ingredients available, and has the concentrates put together in a pharma-grade lab by people with decades of experience. You just can't do any better than that. They have a lot of products, so I would start with Trinity blend, combined with their Green Matcha and Shilajit products. From there, move on to ReWire (if you need focus and motivation) and Apigenin (great for overall health). If you need more energy or workout recovery, then go with Original formula or Supernova. The Peel and Spice blends are outstanding for skin, hair, nails, and reducing inflammation and relieving arthritis. All of their blends work, and I've tried all of them. Pick the ones that are most important to you, based on what you can afford. The cost may seem high to some, but my opinion is that these blends will cure and prevent almost any disease known to man. If you follow a keto diet and practice intermittent fasting with these blends, then you're not going to die of heart disease or cancer, diabetes, Alzheimers, dementia etc. If you start them early enough, those conditions will never develop in the first place. Medical bills have been skyrocketing in recent years. People are getting buried under hundreds of thousands of dollars of medical bills in some cases. The cost of these blends is minimal compared to that. One 100g bag of blend will last you for a couple months, unless you need big doses. (Sometimes big problems require big doses for awhile plus lifestyle changes to fix) The owner of the company is a no nonsense guy who expects a person to take responsibility for their own health. Over the years, this has caused a number of emotionally dependent types to become irritated with him. That's basically what you're seeing with any negative reviews about this company. I've watched people's mental and emotional dramas playing out while trying to fix their health for years now. Some people come to the owner with a long list of health complaints, they're loaded up on big pharma pills, and then when the blends don't instantly cure everything with no effort, and the owner expects them to take responsibility for their own health and change their lifestyle as well, then all hell breaks loose, and people start losing it. People are not sick and loaded up on pills for no reason. Usually, they've gotten themselves there, and an attitude change is required before anybody can help them. So ignore the negs, and do yourself a favor, and start on some Trinity today. You'll thank yourself later.
    Rich R
  • Samantha Post
    Where to begin…I have a wide variety of background dealing first hand with medical and natural options for health situations. Going all the way back to being in 3rd grade and my mom being sent home from a “world renown US Clinic” with a bottle of salt tablets and told to pack her bags because her kidneys and liver were no longer filtering Sodium and Potassium. I watched my mom switch her focus at that point to herbs and chlorophyll and it saved her life. Having been taught the option to use food and supplements as fuel for my body I’ve tried many different products in my 40 years. It wasn’t until my 15 yr old son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes this past October, and a friend suggested Interstellar Blends-Gavin-and his products to me, that I have ever found supplements with such power and effectiveness!!! Glucose Blocker has been a game changer in helping keep blood glucose regulated!!! I have a 15 year old that wants to be a “normal boy” eating all the pizza and other things that make your blood sugar go crazy and with the simple addition of Glucose Blocker he has way less of a glucose roller coaster ride!! Feeding his body healthy and supporting his Kidneys with Jing Force and his immune system with Victorious he’s gone from 107 pounds and super sick to 145 pounds with muscle retaining on his body and another inch in growth to 6’2”. His body even naturally healed 3 warts on his right knee!!! Healing from the INSIDE-OUT we are giving his body a fighting chance to flip off this autoimmune issue!!! For me personally I started with Trinity as you can imagine the stress of watching your child’s life change like this has definitely been a lot to handle not to mention the learning curve as a mom of how to help him manage it all!!! It’s a lot! Trinity is great…but with my specific past and own injuries when Gavin offered a trial phase of RE-WIRE I jumped in head first!!! I suffered a TBI the end of 2014 and for me-Rewire has been a game changer!!! Some feedback I sent Gavin: Ok so first of all-I was nervous about stopping everything else I have been taking to just “simply” take Rewire-but holy wow!!! Today is day 3 and again I have that same total body and mind sense of calmness and focus! It’s like when I was given Adderall after the brain injury to help with the adhd symptoms I was experiencing and it helped but it also had a whole other host of side effects that were not pleasant. Rewire has zero negative side effects!!! I’m now 2 full weeks in and this will be a consistent addition to my life, as well as my daughter just asked what I could give her to help her “focus” at school and she started Rewire today!! I am FOREVER GRATEFUL to the time and energy Gavin has put in to develop such clean and effective products. I’ll shout it to the rooftops-ADD IS BLENDS TO YOUR LIFE….YOUR FUTURE SELF WITH THANKYOU!!!!
    Samantha Post
  • Martin Richling
    REWIRE-- First of all, let me say that I am most thankful to Gavin for his years of work and research for THOSE WHO WANT THE TRUTH regarding their physical health. And he shares his priceless knowledge (how much is your health worth to you?) with the world FREELY. And, what he then offers through all of the blends WORKS EXACTLY as he stated it does. I have a very busy work schedule daily. Physically and mentally I work from 0300 until 2200. ALL of the blends I take do such an excellent job to not just help me, but to keep me LASER-FOCUSSED on the tasks at hand. Especially when it comes to REWIRE. (And I am 60 years old.) I can do all of my work with concentration, zeal, focus, and attention to detail as never before! And I am a very detailed person to start with! Being a US MARINE, details MATTER. The smallest of details MATTER. Now, the blends need to be taken with fasting 22/2 and the dosage daily adhered unto as Gavin says. DO NOT BE IGNORING his wisdom and knowledge by foolishly thinking you know more than he does! DO WHAT HE SAYS and they will work. Ignore what he says and you will diminish their effectiveness. REWIRE is simply phenomenal...! Thanks are not enough to say to Gavin. And I do not know if the depths of his LOVE FOR THE TRUTH regarding people (real people!) to sincerely help them, will ever be fully esteemed by most. Some do, others do somewhat. And others are clueless. But, all should fully LOVE Gavin for his work on this earth for all of us. The next time you "feel good" because of Gavin, you should thank him. And I mean sincerely thank him. I thank God for him, daily. Sincerely, Martin Richling And… "My experience with Glucose Blocker has been nothing short of fantastic! A lot of people out in this evil world will try to sell you a bunch of stuff (in any arena!) that are filled with things that do not work. Like I said, in any arena! Years back my sugar level was 599. I did not even know it: I just knew I felt like crap. The doctor told me to start on the typical path of medication that they tell everyone. I told him that I was not taking anything. He whispered (literally!) to me to just lose weight then, and it would go down. My blood sugar that is. I did lose weight and started eating a healthy keto diet. After much research it became obvious to me that SUGAR was the enemy. So, a friend of mine, Eugene la Grange told me about Gavin. The rest is HISTORY, as they say. Being a former cop, as my friend was too, we can spot a crook easily. And I could tell that Gavin was an honest, truth speaking, direct speech man who did not tolerate fools at all and yet will help any honest person. I will always take the Glucose Blocker, eat WISELY according to 22/2 DAILY and I reject the modern doctors who simply want to make money off of you and KEEP YOU SICK! The Glucose Blocker has done so much for me and continues to do so much for me. I will take it always. I have recommended Gavin’s site to several of those that I teach and my family and friends. Several are now customers as well! I value greatly Gavin as a person and his SINCERELY HARD WORK in so much research to truly help others. Take it from a US MARINE, a former cop, and now a REAL Bible teacher and pastor: Gavin and his blends are ONE IN THE SAME–EXCELLENT! Thank you, Gavin, for literally, saving my health from total destruction!"
    Martin Richling
  • Kat Kauff
    Rewire; I felt amazing only taking it once a day, sometimes two. No more brain fog, my energy was up, no more anxiety, no pain. Able to give answers quick to my boss without having to think for a few minutes for the answer. I didn’t even crave caffeine either, which has always been hard for me. I felt like a new person since my brain injury last August. Best thing ever!
    Kat Kauff
  • Sudevika Kealani Okeahi
    Rewire. It’s like entering a warp-speed tunnel to your higher awareness and peeling away unnecessary crap that’s been consuming you. It helps you heal and stay in a higher state of consciousness continuously. Thank you Gavin.
    Sudevika Kealani Okeahi
  • Cat B
    First let's start with Niagra. I am 56 years old suffering menopause lack of libido. I have literally tried EVERYTHING! Let me tell you that my fiance loves me taking Niagra! My drive is back and things are natural again. Now Trinity is a new favorite! My puppy is having horrific separation anxiety issues. I see Gavins page on Facebook with 3 consecutive love your dog posts, coincidence? I think not! I mentioned the issue with my pup and Gavin stated to give her Trinity. I put in water and she loves it. That night she slept, no whimpering. Now she stays in her kennel with no issues and only makes a noise when she needs to go outside. Rewire is pretty incredible. The first time I took it is hard to explain. It was as if little pinging/electric awakening in my brain was happily being reconnected/ healed. I felt more calm and far less scattered! Gavin is 100% truth in healing! He has endless knowledge and backs it with scientific facts! He is available 24/7 to answer even the worst of questions. Upstanding, honest gentleman offering only the purest forms of healing. I'm thankful!
    Cat B
  • Totsten Oberacker
    AMAZING AND LIFE CHANGING I dont know where to start... I was reading many of the information (studies, reviews, product descriptions) for over an year now and was fascinated from the first moment i read all this amazing stuff on Gavins site. He dont want to sell only products, Gavin is looking on the whole thing with every little piece of the puzzle. After one year of only looking (i dont had money to spent for at this time) i started with my first order. EVERY DOLLAR I SPENT FOR IT WAS BEST INVESTET!!! First i was ordering the challenge combo essentials and combined with fasting (i am on vegan keto with fasting for about 3 years now, BUT never had this amazing effects on the wellbeeing ever before). Then i took the next step and ordered the stomach reset combo and the january special. MAN, this was the next level stuff i was wishing for the Last years. Actually i am waiting for my next order (should be comming these days ;), the 25 mega blend combo, glucose blocker and Jing force I NEVER WANT TO MISS THE BLENDS EVER AGAIN I feel brain unfogged, amazing, happy, fearless, healthy, gut pain and bloatings are away, psoriasis is over 50% better and is going away week by week, i am selfconfident, stresslevel is down, i love life, less stress with my lovely wife, seeing everything clear and feel the BEST IN MY LIVE I EVER FELT. My wife had lost her depression and panic attacks over 90%, stopped her depression-medication, feels amazing, loves the super tonic hair blend and our relationship is better than ever, relaxed and amazing. I am a silent reader in the telegram group Gavin made for his custmers... Gavin is a man that stands to his words, helps people from his deepest heart with passion and love, he is loyal, tells the truth without fear. He is really a man with a heart of gold and that is what you get when you take his advice and his products. Gavin and his blends take the life of me and my lovely wife manu to absolutely lovely perfection. I want to thank you from my deepest heart Gavin Robert McGowen Thank you, thank you, thank you :) Best greetings from Germany, Torsten and Manuela Oberacker
    Totsten Oberacker
  • Bill Albanis
    Where should i start!!!!? From Gavin? From his kidness ? From the blends? from the love and support he provide to us daily? Everything Is PERFECT! I had a lot of health problems after the big bad *** my immune was really weak! But all the blends especially trinity Helped me remove my stress help me fight the post *** syndrom also the 22/2 he suggest is really hard to follow it in your mind in the first place because some time you will want to break And eat more times than one BUT Trust me follow the 22/2 and what ever gavin suggest Because its really work Like magic!!! Also One Blend i used and it changed my whole life is AUTONOMOUS! i have adhd and once i take autonomous its like i dont have adhd and i can understand my forex knowledge deeply first time i feel like a normal Person with the focus and understanding in something! Now i will include my whole family I now see results especially my mom With epilipsia and seizure! Thanks for everything Mr Gavin for your help & Mrs christine for the fast shipping always.
    Bill Albanis
  • Krishna
    The majority of people today are constantly tired and fatigued and they think that it is 'normal'. I was one of them, always slow and lacking energy. That is until I started fasting and using Nebula. It is truly the absence of fatigue. Not only do I rarely feel tired, I can also work out for much much longer. As someone who trains through boxing, I am still light on my feet after hours of training and rounds and rounds of sparring. I was never lacking confidence, but with Nebula, even that was stepped up a notch so for those who feel like they do lack confidence, Nebula will show you a whole new world.
  • Shaan Sharma
    I have been a customer and user of these blends for quite some time now - so this review isn’t one that I am writing out of an initial excitement or buzz. Of course after I initially started using trinity, nebula etc, I noticed a great change in my mental well-being as well as physical performance. It is widely understood, especially within the community, however, that you only truly realise how much of a change the blends make when you go some time without using them. I felt a loss of clarity, increased brain fog etc - all the things I’ve experienced my whole life and things that I thought were “normal” before using the blends. In short, as weird as it may sound, I only really understood their effects when I wasn’t actually using them. And these blends don’t just help you during the day - hypnotic has solved all of my sleep related issues. In the past I’ve struggled with insomnia as a result of my depression and anxiety and whereas trinity was the answer during the day - hypnotic helped me massively in the night. And no it’s nothing like a sleeping pill and you won’t KO the second you take it. Rather, when you do KO it’ll be the best sleep youve had and when you wake up, you’ll be fresh and ready for the day instantly.
    Shaan Sharma
  • Taylor Nicole
    I was hesitant about starting the blends but I took a leap of faith one day and ordered a sample of The Purge. It arrived quickly and I took my first dose after following 2 days of hydration and when it kicked in it kicked in! This herb is so powerful and I ended up losing 18 pounds in 24 hours although I was doing a test run. I was attached to the toilet and thought wow this is it but then it subsided. The next day I felt amazing! I felt so energetic and I wasn't tired how I usually am throughout the day. Word of advice just take a leap of faith and order it you'll feel and look amazing!
    Taylor Nicole
  • Debra Rogers
    I did not think 7 days of an herbal trial could be so life altering but it truly was! First of all, I’m a nurse so most of my life is split into high stress or exhaustion. Not a lot of room in between that. On the blends, I was able to handle stressful situations with ease, see my stress-eating melt away, have energy with no cravings for an energy drink, and see huge improvements with my chronic yeast overgrowth and constipation. Blends for the win! Thank you Gavin!!
    Debra Rogers
  • Michael Sellson
    Day-to-day you live in Your Own Prison. You wake up and you don’t want to be awake probably hit the snooze button. Maybe you force yourself out of bed right away, but you’re forcing yourself. For me I could never eat breakfast that feeling of impending doom just didn’t make for an appetite. Anxieties and oppression from my depression has been my life for 11 years with cancer. Now the only thing that’s changed my life in the last week is taking these herbs. You’ll really have to experience it for yourself because you have probably forgotten what it’s like to live not in a prison of depression and anxiety. It feels nice to get up in the morning and have that same feeling that I had when I was a kid. Where you’re excited to get out of bed instead of dreading it. And instead of being just groggy and trying to figure out life through the haze you find energy and inner strength in the morning,waking up refreshed ready to go, mentally alert, organized; things that depression would not allow in my life. Without this I would still be living in misery but I’m happy and people see me that know me and they’re asking me what’s going on what happened, how come you’re so happy? “interstellar blends”! Yeah nothing in my life has changed. My situation is for the moment still the same, but I feel awesome.
    Michael Sellson
  • Shelley
    Gavin, I got back a complete work up of my blood work yesterday. I cried. All my numbers were excellent. Even though I have a limited amount of fruits and veggies, my numbers are well within the normal range. Even my hemoglobin… That has typically been an issue in the past. I only had one abnormal number which I will continue to investigate. Thank you so much for all you do to promote health. Your research and advice has been invaluable.
  • Aleks Gertz
    I have been taking your Supernova blend for a week now and I feel AMAZING. I am a former heroin addict, and then was on a Methadone program for 4 years. I had been feeling terrible on the Methadone and decided to detox off of it. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. My brain was lacking dopamine, I couldn’t sleep and I wanted to die. Your Supernova blend has helped me so much so I just wanted to say THANK YOU. I have energy again and I feel at peace. Namaste.
    Aleks Gertz
  • Michelle Marie Destephen
    Excellent product! I have been taking Interstellar Blends for approximately 6 months and I have seen an increase in my clarity, Focus, & energy! My hair has grown even longer faster! Thank You Gavin McGowen for creating an amazing product! May you always stay blessed!
    Michelle Marie Destephen
  • Darla Labor
    I have to say that i am on my 6th day of Seven Sages, & Trinity No depression, happy, not down, clear minded, feeling energetic. I will be taking this for a long time, I feel happy and amazing. Thank you Gavin for creating this amazing blend to keep positive, happy, and living life the right way … You Rock
    Darla Labor
  • Courtney Taylor
    It’s been a few months now that I’ve… It’s been a few months now that I’ve taken Seven Sages almost daily, and it is without a doubt my favorite herb blend I’ve ever had (and I’ve had many over the past decade!). I started out at 1/4 tsp daily, but am now at 1 tsp because I want more of it in my body! The combination of 50:1 extracts of the most potent and health promoting tonic herbs on the planet, plus several safe nootropics, and even longevity nutrients like vitamin K2, choline, resveratrol and quite a few others. It is an herb blend, ultra brain booster and a longevity multi-vitamin at the same time. I have experienced noticeable changes since I started taking it. Physically I have more energy on a consistent basis, better stamina, and daily intermittent fasting is far easier than before. Mentally, I am considerably more confident and bold, I am sharper and quicker, and I just feel that any problem can be solved and I can have a great time doing it! I am about to have to get more soon because I’ve been giving small amounts to my son, and strongly encouraging a couple friends who are staying with me to put it in their morning coffee. I just want people to feel amazing so I don’t mind sharing at all.
    Courtney Taylor
  • Alex Tice
    The crucible catalyst. A magnificent blend to boost the presence of your heart back to a breathing enlivened vitality. Mastermind formula to aid in the rewiring of your personal physiology and neuro-circuitry. Massive house clearner of your bio-physical/bio-spiritual cybernetic system unification synergy effectiveness. Return to Oneness with the embodied feeling of interconnection with all life and the energy that flows through all things in Perpetuity. Interstellar Blend (I Am currently riding Nebula) is the real thing and it feels so familiar. There is no place like home 🙂 Of course each individual’s spirit is the direct source of awakening the divine blueprint. These herbs are amazing, and when combined with a True Heart, Deep Passionate Intent Keyed into your Altrusitic Self-Transformation, and an Unconditional Ancient Love for All Life Everywhere; you will birth Abundance in the fertile grounds of our True Nature from which these herbs can communicate-bridge from and through us to heal, achieve, and Emanate the Greatest Love Protectorate found Unshakably at the Heart of Humanity. If you have your core intent set and coming from the right place, these herbs will Strata-boost you to infinity and beyond ! Thank You Gavin Robert McGowen. Reverent Respect & Eternal Gratitude.
    Alex Tice

These are the Two Letters.

About The Interstellar Plan

In 2007, my mother died suddenly and unexpectedly at age 54. She wasn’t overweight or in ill health. She was happy and full of life. She had been to several different doctors and had explained to all of them that “something didn’t feel quite right”, but instead of consulting with other “experts” in their field and doing their due diligence, they told her it was “all in her head” and sent her out the door with prescriptions for antidepressants.

Pause and take that in, instead of investigating her symptoms more thoroughly like a professional in their field does in order to find the actual cause and fix the problem, she was dismissed as “depressed” and given a pill to “fix” the


symptoms  that were “all in her head”. All in her head right??? Well two days later, she had a massive heart attack and DIED. That’s right DEAD. Would you be a little pissed off? She had only taken ONE of the pills she had been prescribed. ONE PILL! Coincidence? You be the judge.

The autopsy revealed an enlarged heart that could have been easily detected and remedied with the proper tests.

The fact that a team of “experts” missed the warning signs they should’ve recognized and handled in a professional manner and instead prescribed an unnecessary and potentially dangerous drug INFURIATED ME. I began rethinking western medicine altogether and asking myself, “Do these doctors actually know what they are talking about or are they just pill peddlers keeping pharmaceutical companies in business who don’t give a damn about anything but making money? Are the medications they are pushing safe or effective or are they just masking symptoms? Do I really trust these so-called “experts” with my physical and mental health?” These questions launched me into a journey to find safer and more effective alternatives for maintaining optimal physical and mental health all the while backed and based in SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE.

By 2012, the physical and mental demand of touring with my band, Interstellar Transmissions, was pushing me to near exhaustion. Our schedule consisted of

 6-7 nights a week of playing very demanding and technical live music for 6 to 8 hours a day. After nearly a year of touring at this pace, I began to wonder, “How the heck do these bands do this night after night after night without being on drugs?”No wonder so many musicians throughout history became addicted to drugs just to keep up!

Seeking a more sustainable and natural way to remain in a peak state, I began to look into Chinese herbs. Eventually, my research led me to specific supertonic-longevity herbs that I began to gather from all over the world. I read anything and everything I could find on these herbs and tried as many as I could get my hands on. Through trial and error I began to hone in on which ones were most effective, but had yet to find anything on the market that had the specific herbs in one formula at a sufficient enough potency. I quickly realized that the product of superior quality and potency I desired did not exist and it was up to me to create one.

After going through innumerable sources and variations of the blends, I finally created my first prototype. My passion for purity and excellence as a musician carried over into my quest for optimal living as well and out of that vision came THE INTERSTELLAR BLEND. I combined the use of this blend with daily intermittent fasting and it wasn’t long before friends, family and even complete strangers began asking me what my secret was. They would say things like, “You look great for your age and you are always upbeat and positive! How do you do it?” And I would respond, “Well, I



fast daily and I  take this Supertonic Longevity Herbal Formula I created and I feel AWESOME virtually all the time!” Before long, I began selling my blend to friends and the word spread like wildfire.

Testimonials poured in from all over the country about the life changing results people were experiencing as a result of making my blend a part of their daily regimen. I created a website and watched my business grow through word of mouth with very little expense on advertising. My primary goal was to help people eradicate anxiety, depression, brain fog, fatigue and stress and bring back exuberance, energy, health, passion and excitement for life by offering the purest and most potent products possible. I continue to create my blends in small batches with the strictest standards of purity and potency available and the results speak for themselves.

My commitment to excellence led me to create the Interstellar Blends. They continue to transform the lives of people across the globe. I dedicate this journey to my mother.

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    I have been a GRATEFUL and FORTUNATE customer and member if INTERSTELLAR for the better part of 8 YEARS. Anyone that says anything negative about GAVIN or INTERSTELLAR BLENDS does not have the STRENGTH or WILLPOWER to possess let alone UTILIZE such incredible and unique products.


    I CAN NOT THANK GAVIN ROBERT MCGOWEN enough for the MOTIVATION and ACCOUNTABILITY he and his products provide.



    Ken Martin

    I was referred to interstellarblends by a friend back in June 2020 after I contacted COVID 19. At the time I was suffering from 23 different symptoms with corvid. Including my toe nails falling off breathing problems chest pain, severe migraines this is just a few of the symptoms I was experiencing.
    I contacted Gavi via email and explained my symptoms to him and at the time he recommended 5 different blends for me. When they arrived I took my first drink of the blends and felt a difference in my breathing and chest pains with continued use thes have vanished.
    I have what is known now as Long COVID it affects millions of people around the world to this date.
    I still have only 5 symptoms that I control thru the use of the different blends I consume daily. I can honestly say that the blends have saved me from a life of misery from Long COVID. I joined a FB page for Long COVID suffers this one Canadian site a lone has over 20,000 sufferers struggling daily with no end in sight for some of them.
    I’ve recommended the blends to numerous people friends and relatives to go to their website and just read the hundreds of testimonials about the blends and if they want they can contact Gavin personally with any questions they may have.
    Gavin is the creator of these life saving blends for so many people with a variety of health issuesthat affect them daily.
    I’m 72 years old retired living in Thailand and I’ll be a customer for the blends for rest of my life. Another benefit I experienced is the weight control these blends do for people I’ve struggled with my weight my entire life.
    So anyone reading my testimonial please check out their website and read the heart felt testimonials of people who’s lives have changed because of these blends..

    Ben Bishop

    I recently placed an order (#65654) with Interstellar Blends, and I am absolutely amazed by their products. From the moment I received my order, I was impressed by the attention to detail and quality packaging. The blends themselves are of exceptional quality, with a noticeable difference in taste and effectiveness compared to other similar products I’ve tried. The purity and potency of the ingredients are evident, and the results have been nothing short of extraordinary.

    Since incorporating Interstellar Blends into my daily routine, I have experienced a remarkable improvement in my energy levels, mental clarity, and overall well-being. Unlike other supplements that provide a temporary boost, these blends offer sustained benefits that enhance my productivity and mood throughout the day. The carefully curated ingredients work synergistically to deliver a powerful impact, addressing various aspects of health and wellness. Whether it’s increased focus, better sleep, or enhanced physical performance, Interstellar Blends have consistently delivered outstanding results.

    What sets Interstellar Blends apart from anything else on the market is their commitment to quality and innovation. The company’s dedication to sourcing the finest ingredients and their meticulous blending process ensure that each product is highly effective. Moreover, the transparency and integrity of Interstellar Blends inspire confidence and trust. I highly recommend their products to anyone looking to elevate their health and vitality. There truly is nothing else out there that compares to the extraordinary experience Interstellar Blends provide. 5 ***** !!! It’s a Super Product!


    I will forever be grateful for being introduced to Gavin’s blends. The level of mastery this man has for making the highest quality supplements on the planet, is beyond anything I’ve ever seen.

    These blends plus his fasting as a lifestyle protocol (22/2) has helped me lose over 50lbs over the last 4-5 years. I was fat and out of shape when I had first started. Today I am walking around feeling more confident than ever. There’s a blend for any and everything, but some I hold close to my heart are: trinity, shilajit, pine pollen, and victorious. From anxiety, to C19, these blends have helped me get through so much these last 4-5 years, like I said at the beginning, I’ll forever be grateful.

    That being said, TrustPilot is full of sh*t! I posted the last response from their “integrity team” in this post so you can see. But after numerous messages, days, and weeks, of me trying to prove I AM A HUMAN BEING WHO HAS ORDERED, they still will not let my reviews stay up. At this point, it’s just flat out negligence on their end. I did some digging and it seems like a pay for play scheme. Sacrifice your morals and pay them money, or they’ll just throttle your reviews. Typical David vs Goliath stuff going on here. I believe they need to be sued, it’s not only affecting the reliability of their own product, but affecting businesses as well. TrustPilot is a scam.

    Gavin is a patriot, and a savior in his own way. F*ck the system!

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    Since my first order in June 2022, my life has been transformed in amazing ways. I’m grateful for all the reviews and testimonials, and now it’s time for me to add my 2 cents! I still remember the excitement of getting home from work, seeing my package had arrived, and not being able to wait until morning. I made a hot cacao with Rewire and Supernova and instantly felt the shift—I ended up cleaning my entire room that evening. It felt like an internal rearrangement manifesting outward—a literal rewiring.

    Over the past 2 years, I’ve used a variety of combos with fasting and lost all the weight and emotional baggage from the lockdowns. My most recent order (#67537) on June 7th, 2024, included 7 Sages, Autonomous, Nebula, and a Fertility sample. I go through Autonomous much quicker, so I’ll be ordering double next time. Autonomous is my absolute favorite blend, with Nebula a close second for boosting my willpower. Health is a holistic journey, and these blends are a powerful tool in conjunction with diet, fasting, meditation, exercise etc. for becoming SUPERHUMAN!

    As a woman who goes through cycles, the Fertility blend is my favorite for nurturing my YIN and managing my cycles with ease and grace. I’ve only tried one sample so far but will order more. Alongside Autonomous and Fertility, 7 Sages is becoming a new favorite, offering variety and activating different areas each day. I’ve been ordering blends consistently for two years, and they’ve become an integral part of my lifestyle. Along with the other modalities mentioned, I am consistently leveling up. I’ve moved through four jobs, each better than the last, and finally landed my dream job, where I feel content for the long term. The drive and brainstorming wouldn’t have been as powerful without these blends. My aura is brighter, and I radiate abundance and strength. Just like water seeks its own level, keep doing the work and everything evens out.

    Gavin is a force to be reckoned with. Achieving something that truly benefits society is no easy task. The research and willpower he and his team have put into their craft, managing thousands of customers with impeccable professionalism, is inspiring. He walks his talk and embodies tenacity, integrity, and authentic style. The reviews and testimonials speak for themselves! I’ve made many health mistakes and allowed societal corruption to throw me off track, but I am blessed to have found Interstellar Blends. They’ve helped me realign with my path, transforming me from Demon Hostage to Demon Slayer!

    Keith Jones

    I’ve been using Interstellar Blend herbs for the past eight years, and I can’t say enough good things about them. The quality of the ingredients is unmatched, and you can truly feel the difference in their potency. My personal favorites are the Liver Regenerator, Rewire, and Total Brain Reset—each blend has had a profound impact on my health and well-being.
    What impresses me most, besides the incredible effectiveness of these herbs, is how quickly they arrive. Shipping is consistently faster than expected, which is a huge plus when you’re eager to restock your favorites. Gavin and the team are clearly committed to providing not just a great product, but excellent service as well.
    I highly recommend Interstellar Blend to anyone looking to improve their health naturally. These herbs have drastically changed my quality of life, and I’ve never felt healthier or younger. If you’re serious about taking your well-being to the next level, you won’t find anything better than this!

    Brynkli Fire

    I have always been into natural healing and looking for ways for my body to perform best! Just recently took a bigger dive into my health and have been paying attention to food labels and I cannot believe all the things I thought were “good” are actually harming my body. I have been on different herbs for about 5 years now, and have absolutely loved everything I have tried! I am now doing Gavin’s protocols to completely reset my gut and heal from the inside out along with giving myself REAL food. I cannot believe the difference I have felt. Lately I have been really obsessed and loving the two herbs healico and paraslayer combined together to help heal my gut and get rid of any parasites. This is just a start to my total body reset, but I have never felt better and my body is finally performing the way it was meant to with the help of interstellar blends!


    I’m still blown away by the impact Interstellar Blends has had on my life. I’ve been using their herbal formulas for a while now (order #29582), and I can honestly say they’ve been a total game-changer.
    I was struggling to get through my days, feeling exhausted and mentally drained all the time. But after adding Interstellar Blends to my daily routine, I started noticing some pretty amazing changes. My energy levels skyrocketed, and I could finally focus on tasks without feeling like I was wading through quicksand.
    One moment that really stands out was when I was working on a super tight deadline. I was starting to feel that familiar fog rolling in, but then I remembered I had some of their adaptogenic blend on hand. I brewed a cup, and oh man… it was like a switch flipped! I powered through that project with ease, and it felt incredible.
    I know I’m not the only one who’s experienced this kind of transformation – just check out all the reviews and testimonials from other customers who’ve seen real results. Trust me, these blends are the real deal!
    I’m so grateful to have found Interstellar Blends, and I highly recommend them to anyone looking for a natural way to boost their health and wellbeing.

    LeJea LaGrande

    Real customer since 2015, my last order # was 10/7/22 #34390.

    Recommend these blends, especially for those like myself who can’t take pharmacy medicine without it having serious side effects.

    Had a mental breakdown in July of 2022, from black mold.
    My psychotherapist suggested having our environment checked. Sure enough they found it it in 3 rooms all the floors we’re replaced. Luckily I knew about these blends since 2015.

    My first experience was colon cancer in 2015. With professional help, Friends stumbled upon these blends. Lovingly stocked me up. I was already fasting through chemo. 90 days was like nothing. I had energy and focus. My hair grew in pretty fast. Not my arms or legs though lol.

    Thank you, Gavin aka a brother from another mother. Because of your dedication, my life is more incredible and precious than ever. I don’t use your blends everyday. Typically during dire medical needs. Those blends made all the foggiest thoughts leave my body. Clarity and focus returned with just 2 samples.

    My body wants healthy.
    Holistic methodology lifestyle and Interstellar blend plan for the winning combination.

    LeJea LaGrande

    Loyal customer and little sister from another mister.


    My experience from a real customer, these blend do more than just meet expectations, they surpass them in every way possible. The effects are nothing short of incredible.

    My overall review from my recent order 66408 on 5/13/24. These blends go well beyond what I expected. They enhanced my overall well being and I cannot thank interstellar blends enough.

    Things to expel that I experienced improved focus, lasting energy, Sharper, more focus, as the list goes on. Finding interstellar blends as made a huge impact on my life.


    I have purchased and used over 15 different blends in the past few years and I tell everyone about the fantastic combination of blends for daily focus and motivation (I underestimated this value) and the anti inflammation blends through the combos that literally have helped me to move with ease once again. Add the weight loss bonus and feeling much more joyful as a true bonus. I was inspired by the many success stories of others which I found helpful to go to a new level. This is a way of life and I am so very thankful.

    Nags M

    So, came across this site along my journey, and was recommended to check out the blends. This was exactly what I was searching for. Herbal blends to aid my daily life (exercising, dieting, meditating, etc, etc), as I believe unfortunately we are unable to get all the goodness from foods alone in this day in age.

    I am a real person, not an AI bot or similar, I am not perfect, and do go through my fair share of struggles. This is a true review and testimonial.

    I have ordered a few times but one of my last orders was in April 2024 – #63876. I stocked up for the year. The blends are mixed with my morning coffee, and not only does the caffeine wake me up, but the herbal blends also fire up the correct receptors and I have no brain fog at all. I am able to focus in and get on with my day at work, no stopping fir umming and rrring, I am straight there and straight up with the answers. My brain loves the stuff.

    Not only for my brain but also for my body, my body feels good and can feel my digestion is a lot better. Once the digestion was sorted it helped me in other areas of my life. I am not as tired during the day, no more afternoon naps. I also have enough energy to hit the gym in a fasted state.

    All my blends are consumed in the morning whilst in a fasted state and I take with coffee. You can take it with matcha tea as well if you like.

    On another note, I also tried a newer blend “Rewire”. I ordered this initially to aid me wean of certain substances which I should not have been taking. Not only did it help with my cravings, I felt it also helped me sleep at night (which was always an issue in the past when trying to quit). I finished the pack and never felt better. I wish I found these blends a decade ago.

    I highly recommend trying some of the blends, have a look on the website, there will something for everyone. We do not get the nutrients in the foods as we did 50 years ago, and with ultra processed foods which has swamped our markets everything little bit helps, and we should all find something to aid our daily living, along with the right diet and exercise.

    Give these guys a go, you won’t regret it. I have ordered several times and will continue to order into my old age.

    Ines P

    This is my review of the Challenge combo, I started using the blends a few years ago but fell off the wagon and after I gained so much weight and my knees were hurting so much because of the extra weight that I could barely go up and down the stairs when I decided this is not life so I decided to take the bull by the horns and get control of my life so I order the challenge combo order # 70123 from August 12 2024.I can honestly testify that in a few weeks has changed my life. I have lost 4 lbs. and now it is not so painful to go up and down the stairs since I live on the 3rd floor, my energy has improved as well as my focus. I am able to fast from 7pm to noon the following day with no issues and this was something I never thought possible since I was a junk food lover but no more. I plan to stick to this protocol and get the weight and my health to where it should be. You need to be willing to put up some work like exercising and eating healthy but it is totally worth it no doubt about that.

    Ines P

    I bought Challenge combo order# 70123 on August 12 2024., I started using the blends a few years ago but fell off the wagon and after I gained so much weight and my knees were hurting so much because of the extra weight that I could barely go up and down the stairs then I decided this is not life so I took the bull by the horns ang got control of my life.

    I can honestly testify that in a few weeks has changed my life. I have lost 5 lbs. and now it is not so painful to go up and down the stairs since I live on the 3rd floor, my energy has improved as well as my focus. I am able to fast from 7pm to noon the following day with no issues and this was something I never thought possible since I was a junk food lover and being Latin American where all we eat is carbs has not made it easy. I plan to stick to this protocol and get the weight and my health to where it should be. I have two young kids and need all the energy I can get. 
    The blend will make miracles but you need to be willing to put some work like walking and eating healthy to help you lose weight faster and stopped being a couch potato.

    Try it you will not be disappointed.